Library rules

The library rules apply to the use of the library's facilities and materials as well as the remote use of e-materials.

Access and library card

The Uniarts Helsinki library is open to all. Use of the library requires registration as a library user and a valid library card issued at the time of registration.

Upon receiving the library card, the user signs and agrees to the Uniarts Helsinki library rules and the service fee list.

You can register as a user if:

  • you are at least 15 years of age
  • you have a Finnish personal identity code
  • you have a street address in Finland.

Exchange students, teachers and researchers visiting the university may register as a user without meeting the above conditions.

Users under 15 years of age must have their legal guardian’s consent.

A valid photo ID issued by an official authority is required for registration:

  • Passport
  • Identity card
  • Residence permit card
  • Driving licence.

A library card is free of charge, but a fee is charged to replace lost cards (see the service fee list).

Customer register and data protection

Customer data is stored in the customer register of the library. Data in the customer register will not be disclosed to third parties, with the exception of invoices and collection orders for unreturned loans. According to the law, everyone has the right to check what data of theirs has been stored in the register. Read the full privacy statement.

Borrow, renew and reserve

Loans from library collections are free of charge provided that the borrowed materials are returned or the loans are renewed by the due date.

Users may have a maximum of 100 simultaneous loans. 

The user undertakes to comply with the Copyright Act (404/1961) when using library data.

The user is responsible for the library materials they have borrowed and is obligated to comply with the loan periods and other provisions and regulations related to the use of the materials. Some materials may only be used on library premises.

A personal library card must always be presented when borrowing and reserving books and materials as well as when checking the right to borrow and existing loans. The library card may not be handed over to another person.  

Loan periods and renewal

The loan periods of materials vary by collection. The material-speceific loan periods are shown in the Arsca search service together with information on their availability. More detailed instructions on renewing and returning loans can be found on the library’s website.

Reservation of materials

Users may reserve library materials in accordance with the instructions on the website.

Interlibrary loans

The library orders materials from other libraries only to current Uniarts students and personnel (Kuopio library also offers interlibrary loans to current students and personnel of the Savonia University of Applied Sciences and Kuopio Conservatory). A fee is charged for interlibrary loans in accordance with the current service fee list.

Finnish and foreign interlibrary service institutions have the right to register as interlibrary service customers. The library provides interlibrary loans to other libraries and interlibrary service institutions.

Interlibrary loans are only sent outside the Helsinki metropolitan area, with the exception of the Kuopio library, which only sends interlibrary loans outside Kuopio. The service is invoiced according to the current service fee list. There may be differences and exceptions in the materials being loaned.

Reminders, overdue fees and loan ban

Reminders of loans about to expire and overdue loans are only sent by email. Students and personnel at Uniarts Helsinki can also receive reminders and arrival notifications in the Tuudo mobile app. Reminders and arrival notifications are not sent by letter.

If the borrowed materials are not returned or renewed by the due date, the user will be charged a late payment fee in accordance with the service fee list. (Universities Act (558/2009); Government Decree on Fees for University Services (1082/2009)) An overdue fee will also be charged if the user has not received a reminder sent by the library or, for example, a technical error has prevented the renewal. 

Failure to return the materials and unpaid fees will result in a loan ban and, if necessary, the use of an external collection agency. The loan ban will be lifted when the overdue fees that resulted in a loan ban are paid and the loans that resulted in a loan ban are returned or replaced.

User responsibilities

As a user of the library, you are responsible for:

  • Materials borrowed with your card and the return or renewal of loans by the due date.
  • Compensating lost or damaged materials. Handle library property with care. Refrain from making any markings on the borrowed materials.
  • Ensuring that your contact details are up to date. Reminders, arrival notifications, etc. will be sent to the email address you have given to the library.
  • Use of your personal library card. If you lose your card, you must notify the library immediately.
  • Any damage caused to the library premises and property.

Use of e-materials

Most of the e-materials acquired by the Uniarts Helsinki library are available at library user workstations. In addition, e-materials can be used remotely by Uniarts Helsinki students, Open University students and personnel.

When using the library’s e-materials, the user undertakes to comply with the terms of use specified in the licence agreements for the materials and any other instructions and regulations issued by the library.

Premises, devices and general regulations

The library provides its users with access to data, services, premises and devices. The library’s user computers are intended for the use of library service, study and research. 

Causing any disturbance in the library is prohibited. Phones may be used on library premises as long as it does not disturb other users.

The library is not responsible for the personal property of users that they bring to the library.  

Disrupting the library’s operation or disturbing the library staff or other customers can lead to a ban from the library. Decisions on restricting or banning access are made by the Library Director.

The decision can be appealed within 14 days of being notified of it; the contact information for appeals is included in the decision or other documents enclosed with the letter. The decision may be enforced even if it has been appealed. 

After consulting the Library Board, the Library Director of the Uniarts Helsinki library is entitled to update the rules of use and the service fee list if necessary.

The library rules and current service fee list are available in the libraries and on the library website.

Entry into force

These rules are valid as of 22 April 2024.