Use of e-materials

E-materials are licensed services purchased by the library. E-materials include search services and databases that can be used to find articles, books, music, images and other electronic materials.

Who can use e-materials

Most of the e-materials (e-books, e-magazines, etc.) acquired by Uniarts Helsinki Library may be used by library users at user workstations. In addition, e-materials can be used remotely by Uniarts Helsinki students, personnel and Open University students.

Remote access to e-materials requires a Uniarts Helsinki username. A library card does not grant remote access.

Access rights to materials may have database-specific restrictions.

Access to all Taju materials from Taju workstations

Taju is the institutional repository of Uniarts Helsinki. Full-text materials produced at the university, such as doctoral dissertations, theses, artistic research, self-archived scientific articles, publication series, learning material and digitised sheet music, sound recordings and concert recordings, are stored in the archive.

Some materials are Open Access while others can only be accessed with Uniarts credentials or on-site on the library’s Taju workstations.

Taju workstations can also be used to read all Master’s theses in an electronic format, i.e. including theses which the author has not given permission to publish on an open network.

Taju workstations can be found in each library unit among the user workstations. In the Helsinki campus libraries, you can find the location of Taju workstations on the facility map screens.