Where has the Journals button gone from Arsca home page?

We have removed the “Journals” button from the home page of Arsca (see image above). The button was removed, because there were a lot of usability issues with the search conducted with it. It guided users to search our content in ways that were not very useful. The button was originally added, because our former search interface had a dedicated list of e-journals, and many users were accustomed to using it.

A much better way to find the journal you need is to write its name or part of name (e.g. music education) into the search box and then click “Journal/Article” under Content type in the “Narrow search” options on the right side of search results (see image below). 

If you want to get the same result list you got earlier by clicking the Journals button, ie. a list of all journals, you can first do an empty search by clicking the magnifying glass icon next to the search box while the search box is empty. This way you can see the entire library collection. Then if you click Journal/Article in Narrow search options, you get all printed and electronic journals in Arsca. There are over 50 000 titles, because the list contains also all Open Access e-journals, so the list probably is not the best way to start your search.  

The same technique can also be used to search other types of materials. If you start with an empty search, you can then click the “narrow search” options to get for example all the printed books (Content type -> Book material -> Book) in the Sörnäinen Campus Library (Library -> University of the Arts Helsinki -> Sörnäinen Campus Library) that were published in 2022-23 (Year of publication: time range: -> 2022-).