En­roll to Zotero train­ing and save your ref­er­ences

Zotero is a reference management software with which you can save your references to one place and easily generate bibliographies. The library organizes training in October and November on how to use it effectively.

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Did you copy & paste a reference to a document you can’t find anymore? Do you need to use a different citation style you originally used? If so, start using the reference management software Zotero, and save all your references in one place, create a bibliography with a few clicks, or share references with your co-authors.

Getting started

Zotero is free and open source but the free version comes with a limited storage for reference attachments. Use your Uniarts email address when you sign up to Zotero: due to Uniarts Helsinki’s institutional subscription, Uniarts users have unlimited personal storage in their Zotero account. Install Zotero to your computer and Zotero Connector to your browser, and you can start saving references to your account. Read more about Zotero from the library guide.

Enroll to training

The library organizes training on Zotero basics and advanced use in Finnish and English in October and November. In basics, we cover the benefits of using a reference management software, and how to save references to Zotero, f.ex. The advanced training covers different ways of retrieving and saving references, the use of shared folders (or, Groups), different citation styles and the Word plugin. The trainings are open to everyone and suit to both students and researchers.

We recommend signing up to Zotero and installing it (and the Zotero Connector plugin) before the online training. The Zoom link will be sent to participants before the training. Enroll at least two days before the training from the links below (see also the dates for training in Finnish):


More information: harri.ollikainen@uniarts.fi