The University of Arts Library opens in August

The University of Arts Library will be opened in Helsinki on 10 August and in Kuopio on 13 August. The opening hours of the self-service libraries can be found from the library homepage. Customer service is open weekdays 12-15. The due date for loans is September 15, 2020. Interlibrary loan service will open as well.
Changes in Kuopio self-service library
After introducing new library system Alma, the PIN code must be set again. You only need PIN code to enter the self-service library in Kuopio. Arsca login works with Uniarts-account or your e-mail. Follow these instructions:
- Set your PIN code by logging in to Arsca with your email address or Uniarts-account.
- On the “Profile” tab, click on the “Update your personal information” link. The PIN code must contain four digits (numbers only).
About using the libraries
When opening the library, we follow national, sector-specific and university-specific safety guidelines. Following the instructions of the University of Arts, it is not allowed to come to the campus if you have a fever, flu- or stomach symptoms, or any potential corona-related symptoms. We take into account security distance and hand hygiene for safe working and visiting the library.
The number of facility users is monitored and, if necessary, limited. We will prepare for possible sudden changes in the coronavirus situation and update our coronavirus guidelines on short notice if necessary.