Changes in the library’s customer service opening hours

We have limited customer service opening hours  due to the current epidemic situation and customer safety. Opening hours of September can be found from Arsca. We take into account the current epidemic situation in customer service opening hours. That is why there might be day-by-day changes depending on the current situation, but the self-service library is open at the moment nevertheless. 

Using the libraries during the corona virus epidemic  

We aim for as safe customer encounters as possible. We therefore ask you to read the principles of the use of Uniarts library facilities. Responsibility enables safer library use for yourself, other customers and staff also in the future. 

  • Following the instructions of the University of Arts, you cannot come to the library if you are sick. If you have a fever, flu- or stomach symptoms, or any potential corona-related symptoms, you cannot come to the campus.  
  • If you have a possibility to use our online service Arsca, send us an email or phone us, please do so.   
  • Please do your errands quickly and avoid unnecessary staying in the library.  
  • Please maintain a safe distance of 1–2 metres to both the staff and other customers.  
  • The University of Arts recommends masks always when there is not possibility to keep a safe distance.  
  • Please stay behind the sneeze guard when in customer service.  
  • Take care of your hand hygiene. Wash your hands always when you come from the outside to indoors, after going to the toilet and after coughing or sneezing. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser if washing your hands is not an option.  
  • Cough and sneeze into a disposable tissue and put the tissue in the bin immediately after use. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your sleeve, not into your hands.  
  • Clean the devices and items that are in shared use by wiping their surface with a soap and water mixture or with alcohol-based detergent.  
  • Avoid all unnecessary touching of surfaces, handles, banisters etc.  
  • From the facilities you may find more detailed instructions and cleaning products.  

Due to the coronavirus epidemic, library does not welcome or invite groups at the moment. The number of facility users is monitored and, if necessary, limited.