Opening hours and contact

See when library service points are open, and how to find there.

Töölö Campus Library: Sibelius Academy

24.3 Monday 9-20
Staff present 12-16
25.3 Tuesday 9-20
Staff present 12-16
26.3 Wednesday 9-20
Staff present 12-16
27.3 Thursday 9-20
Staff present 12-16
28.3 Friday 9-20
Staff present 12-16
29.3 Saturday 9-16
Staff present 12-16
30.3 Sunday Closed

Street address:
Helsinki Music Centre
Töölönlahdenkatu 16 C
00100 Helsinki
Customer service: +358 40 710 4224

Postal address:
Uniarts Helsinki Töölö Campus Library: Sibelius Academy
P.O. Box 30
00097 Uniarts

Kuopio Library (Sibelius Academy)

24.3 Monday 8-20
Staff present 12-15
25.3 Tuesday 8-20
Staff present 12-15
26.3 Wednesday 8-20
Staff present 12-15
27.3 Thursday 8-20
Staff present 12-15
28.3 Friday 8-18
Staff present 12-14
29.3 Saturday 10-14
Staff present
30.3 Sunday Closed

Access to the library in the evenings after customer service closes with a library card and a four-digit PIN code.

Street and postal address:
Uniarts Helsinki Kuopio Library: Sibelius­ Academy
Kuopionlahdenkatu 23 C
70100 Kuopio
Customer service: +358 50 3586 105
+358 50 4327 869, +358 40 7104 245

Sörnäinen Campus Library: Academy of Fine Arts and Theatre Academy

24.3 Monday 8-21
Staff present 12-15
25.3 Tuesday 8-21
Staff present 12-15
26.3 Wednesday 8-21
Staff present 12-15
27.3 Thursday 8-21
Staff present 12-15
28.3 Friday 8-21
Staff present 12-15
29.3 Saturday 10-17
Staff present
30.3 Sunday 10-16
Staff present

Street address:
Haapaniemenkatu 6
00530 Helsinki
Customer service: +358 400 792 096

Postal address:
Uniarts Helsinki Sörnäinen Campus Library: Academy of Fine Arts and Theatre Academy
P.O. Box 20
00097 Uniarts

Personnel contact information

See library staff contact information from the Uniarts people finder.

Invoicing address

University of the Arts Helsinki
P.O. Box 775
00074 CGI

EDI code: 003725003056
E-invoicing operator: CGI
E-invoicing operator’s code: 003703575029
Business ID: 2500305-6