The effects of the move of the National Repository Library on interlibrary loan service
The interlibrary loan service of the Repository Library will be interrupted as of 23 December.

The National Repository Library, located in Kuopio, will move to new premises during the year 2025. Due to the move, the Repository Library’s interlibrary loan service will be interrupted as of 23 December 2024. The estimated duration of the break is eight months. During that time, the Repository Library does not send interlibrary loans to other libraries, nor does it receive returned items.
The interlibrary loans ordered from the Repository Library to our customers can be returned until 20 November, but returning them is not necessary. The library will take care of renewing the loans during the break.
The National Repository Library (NRL) is a resource shared by all Finnish libraries and information service centres. The basic function of the NRL is to receive, store and offer material for the use of other libraries. The NRL serves university and special libraries as well as public libraries, and acts as a connecting link in the library network.